Royalty free images mean

Many times when you are searching online stock photos you must have read "Royalty free images"

Here I will tell you what Royalty Free images mean ( Royalty-free image definition )

what is "Royalty free image"

What is an Royalty free image?

This is a type of license that allows buyers to use the image in their banner, website, video etc.

Under this license, there is no separate payment for using any image at different places, Buyer can use the image more than once by paying only once.

There are many marketplaces which Royalty free images available
Let me tell you about some free and paid marketplaces here

● Pixabay - Pixabay has Over 1.4 million royalty free stock photos and videos. Here you will get millions of free stock images which you can download and use for free.

For more info about pixabay read this post - How to create an account on Pixabay

Shutterstock - Shutterstock is the world's most popular marketplace for download royalty free stock photos, vectors, clips etc in cheap rates.

Shutterstock has millions of royalty free stock photos and videos.

If you are a photographer and want to sell your photos online then read this post - How to sell photos on Shutterstock
Royalty free images mean Royalty free images mean Reviewed by Deepak kumar on January 08, 2020 Rating: 5
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